Besök Runmarö i Stockholms skärgård - Bed & Breakfast i en rosenträdgård   Prices Map Roses Galleri / Gallery

Visit the beautiful island Runmarö in the Stockholm Archipelago.

Stay in a garden with a large collection of old-fashioned roses. 

Close to jetty and sea bathing.


Find your way to Runmarö

 From Stockholm: go by buses Nos. 433/434 from Slussen to Stavsnäs Vinterhamn.

From Stavsnäs Vinterhamn travel by Waxholmsbolaget ferry to Styrsvik.

From Styrsvik walk about 2,5 km to Vånö bysee map below.

You can also book a boat directly from Stavsnäs to Vånö jetty.

click on the links above for time tables or phone us for guidance

Check the weather forecast before you go!

